Restored Lands
Profitable Production
Flourishing People
Cultivating Abundance.
The Back Story
Seth, or “Yuusuf” as he goes by locally, is the founder of Desert Alive. He and his family have been living in Somaliland since January 2009 – working with communities to increase resilience to drought. The increasing droughts and changing landscape means that what used to work for raising livestock no longer does. And in a region where livestock form the backbone of the economy (and hold a special place in people’s hearts!) that is bad news for rural families: In some areas, droughts in recent years have killed up to 80% of livestock. Something has to change.
How can dry lands be restored?
Through stewardship.
Through bio-mimicry.
In stewarding rangeland holistically we use the livestock that so often degrade the land to restore it. The land and the animals are meant to benefit one another. By mimicking what we see in creation, we can see both land and animals